Best practices

Presenter templates

Using presenter templates essentially means that the twig templates in a theme (e.g., node.html.twig, block.html.twig, field.html.twig, etc.) will only serve as a way to tell Drupal which one of our custom components to use, and where to insert the content that a user adds or uploads to the site. You can almost think of presenter templates as playing the same role that the .yml files did when we were building components (i.e., passing the data to the component.). However this time the data being passed comes from Drupal.

There are other ways to implement component based development, such as UI Patterns, pre-processing, but the most popular approach is presenter templates.

Presenter template best practices:

  • It’s best to try and loyally follow the atomic design approach as much as possible when creating components.

  • When at the molecule/organism level of your components, use twig block tags generously to help with future embeds of those components. If in doubt, block it out.

  • Let Drupal render all fields at the theme level with little to no preprocessing. Use view modes all the time for everything.

  • Use modules that extend twig (twig field value, twig tweak, etc.) when only the field value is required.

  • Create twig template files to help remove bloated field markup, and make use of twig’s extends tag to help streamline reuse of field templates.

  • Accommodate Drupal’s attributes object and title_prefix/suffix vars when that’s necessary.

Benefits of this approach:

  • It’s (mostly) twig, scss/css, js, with no PHP.

  • Although you may end up with lots of twig template files, you can set up a directory structure that (hopefully) helps keep them logically organized, and easier to see how things piece together.

  • It should be more straightforward when it comes to accommodating Drupal’s methods for injecting features from contrib modules (i.e., attributes object).

Passing field values to components

In the Presenter template method you'll quickly discover that when passing the value of a field to your component, Drupal does not give us the raw value of that field, we're instead given a render array, and when that array is rendered, it includes a lot of default markup that will often get in the way. While we may be tempted to just pluck the value that we want from the render array and pass it to our component, it's best to try and let Drupal fully render the field to avoid cache invalidation issues. We will see examples of this as we build components.

Last updated